EEG-based immersion and 3D interaction
EEG-based immersion and 3D interaction is a new direction in R&D on human computer interfaces. R&D of novel tools of brain state quantification that would be integrated in IMI Triple I System (Interaction, Immersion & Innovation).Co-Pi with PI Olga Sourina (Asst Prof), EEE/Division of Information Engineering NTU.
The following animations are to become a mirror for the viewer; colors and shapes are to be triggered by various states of mind.
Cerulean Shatter
Kaleidoscopic Chroma
Link to project website:
Summary By Miss. Olga Sourina Asst Professor, School of EEE: EEG-based immersion and 3D interaction is a new direction in R&D on human computer interfaces. It has attracted recently more attention from the research community and industry as wireless EEG reading devices became easily available on the market. EEG-based technology has been applied in anaesthesiology, psychology, etc. In this project, we propose R&D of novel tools of brain state quantification that could be integrated in IMI Triple I System (Interaction, Immersion & Innovation) and used in e-learning, art and medical applications. As EEG signal is considered to have a fractal nature, we propose and develop a novel spatio-temporal fractal based algorithms of brain state quantification. The algorithms are implemented with blobby visualization tools for EEG analysis and are integrated in EEG-based “serious” games. The “serious” games will be proposed for e-learning and medical applications including the games based on concentration/attention recognition for e-learning and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) therapy and pain management games. Such games could be used by the user/patient even at home convenience. In the case of pain management or ADD it could be used as an alternative to traditional drug treatment.
For entire proposal please see pdf proposal by Prof Sourina “EEG-based Immersion and 3D Interaction: E-learning, Art, and Medical Application.”
Download the document: OS-IMI Research