This research determines a subjective methodological approach into pushing current investigations of unconventional animation by utilising ready-made presets and brushes in computer to form contemporary ways of image-making techniques. Initial research focuses on how traditional ways of producing 2D pictures, i.e. drawing, painting, and printmaking can be fused with 3D images generated from computer graphics software, Autodesk Maya.In the process of assembling this set of uniquely-blended images, new pictorial spaces are invented – spaces that are capable of dissolving their own perimeter and traditional surface planes. In the second half of the project, the research would move from abstract-referencing art into experiential phenomenological art work to create immersive art installation pieces.

Project ID:

URECA Project Category:

Space Constellations II, Towards New pictorial space series

Zurianah Bte Hashim

Conradi, I. (Asst Prof)

Academic Year: